How Many Gears Should A Fat Tire Bike Have?

Fat bikes are incredibly versatile, with the ability to ride across multiple surfaces and cover great distances. Whether you are riding on flat surfaces or off-road, you are going to need multiple gears in order to make your ride comfortable. The question is, how many gears should a fat tire bike have? In this guide, I hope to answer this question.

For those looking for the short answer…

A fat bike will typically come with 7-10 gears, which is plenty enough for most riding you are likely to cover on your fat bike. If you are aiming to head up steep hills, you might want to get a fat bike with more than 10 gears as you won’t get a wide enough range to make it easy to climb hills and ride faster on the flats.

Want to learn more? The read on…

How Many Gears Should A Fat Tire Bike Have

Do Fat Tire Bikes Have Gears?

If you’re wondering, the answer is yes! Despite the name, fat tire bikes are not all that different from any other bike. They come equipped with all of the bells and whistles including gears and brakes, and they can be used in a multitude of ways. The only difference between them and regular bicycles is their tires which have been specifically designed to handle more weight than normal bicycle tires. This means that your ride will feel smoother and easier on these types of bikes because there’s less resistance when pedalling through the air.

How Many Gears Do Fat Bikes Have?

The number of gears they have depends on the brand, but they typically have somewhere between 7 and 10. There are benefits to having fewer gears, which are that the bike is lighter weight and easier to ride up hills, but then there are also drawbacks, such as not being able to pedal efficiently. There is no consensus yet on what the optimal number of gears for a fat bike is. Some people prefer more than others, so it’s best to try out several models before deciding if you like them or not.

If you are looking for a fat bike for touring, having a range of gears can be useful, so opting for a fat bike with at least 7 gears would be a good idea.

How Many Gears Do You Really Need On A Bike?

It’s true that cycling is a very popular hobby, but how many gears do you really need? Scientists believe that for the average rider, the optimal number of gears should be between 3 and 9. This way, you can have a low gear for going up hills and a high gear for going downhills.

Other cyclists argue that more gears are better so you can choose a lower or higher gear to help you ride easier. The truth is that it depends on your riding style. If you’re an aggressive downhill racer who likes to go fast at all times, having fewer gears will make things much simpler. However, if you prefer to take in the scenery while enjoying yourself, having more gears may work best for you.

Are Fat Bikes Good For Long Distance?

Fat bikes are often thought of as an alternative to road or mountain bikes, but can these bikes be used for long-distance cycling?

Flexible and forgiving, the wide surface area of a fat bike tire absorbs vibration and impacts so it’s easier to ride over bumpy terrain. The larger diameter of the tires provides more cushioning if you happen to fall off your bike.

Is A Fat Bike Good For Touring?

Fat bikes are an excellent option for people looking for bikes to tour with because they can carry extra supplies and equipment, which makes them good for long distances, but the weight should not exceed 300 pounds.

How Heavy Is A Fat Bike?

The question of the heaviness of the fat bike is still up for debate. The tires alone can be anywhere from 3-4 pounds, which is about the same weight as a standard mountain bike tire. However, they are often combined with heavy parts like hubs, rims, spokes, and cranks. On average, a fat bike weighs between 25-30 pounds, meaning they are heavier than other bikes, but not significantly heavier.


So now you know, your fat bike will typically have 7-10 gears, but they can come with more. If you want to take on the hills, you should look to get a bike with more gears.