Are Cube Electric Mountain Bikes Any Good? Unveiling the Real Deal

Are Cube Electric Mountain Bikes Any Good

Cube electric mountain bikes have gained significant popularity among outdoor enthusiasts and mountain biking enthusiasts alike. These high-end bikes offer a thrilling riding experience with their powerful motors and advanced battery systems. However, before you decide to invest in a Cube electric mountain bike, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons associated with owning one. In this article, we will take a closer look at these bikes, explore their features, and weigh the benefits against the price tag to help you determine if they are worth the investment.

Pros of Owning a Cube Electric Mountain Bike


One of the significant advantages of a Cube electric mountain bike is its impressive performance. These bikes are equipped with powerful motors and high-capacity batteries, allowing riders to effortlessly tackle steep inclines and conquer rough terrains. The electric motor provides a boost to your pedaling power, making it easier to navigate challenging trails. This enhanced performance adds a new level of excitement and adventure to your mountain biking experience.


Cube electric mountain bikes are designed to provide convenience and ease of use. With intuitive controls and user-friendly features, these bikes are suitable for riders of all skill levels. Additionally, maintaining these bikes is relatively simple, requiring minimal effort and time. Unlike traditional mountain bikes, which often require rigorous maintenance routines, Cube electric mountain bikes offer a hassle-free ownership experience.

Furthermore, these bikes save you time and energy. The electric motor allows you to cover more distance with less effort, making it possible to explore new trails and enjoy longer rides. Additionally, Cube electric mountain bikes serve as an eco-friendly transportation option, reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner environment.

Fun and Enjoyment

Owning a Cube electric mountain bike enhances the overall enjoyment of mountain biking. The electric motor assists your pedaling, giving you a sense of empowerment and allowing you to tackle more challenging trails. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a beginner, these bikes offer a thrilling and exhilarating experience.

Moreover, Cube electric mountain bikes enable you to embark on longer rides and explore areas that were previously inaccessible. The extended battery life and the ability to conquer steep inclines effortlessly open up new possibilities for adventure, making each ride more exciting and fulfilling.

Cons of Owning a Cube Electric Mountain Bike


One of the primary considerations when contemplating a Cube electric mountain bike is the price. These bikes come with a higher price tag compared to traditional mountain bikes. The advanced technology, powerful motor, and high-capacity battery systems contribute to the increased cost. Therefore, if you’re on a tight budget or looking for a more affordable option, a Cube electric mountain bike may not be the best choice.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the additional expenses associated with owning an electric mountain bike. Maintenance and repairs for these specialized bikes can be more costly compared to traditional mountain bikes. Understanding the financial commitment involved is crucial before making a purchase decision.


Another factor to consider is the weight of Cube electric mountain bikes. Due to the electric components and the robust frame construction, these bikes tend to be heavier than their traditional counterparts. The added weight can make it more challenging to transport and store the bike, especially if you have limited storage space or frequently need to load it onto a vehicle.

Dependence on Battery

While Cube electric mountain bikes provide an exhilarating riding experience, they do have limitations when it comes to battery life and range. Depending on the specific model and the riding conditions, the battery may have a limited range, which can be a disadvantage for those planning long-distance rides or multi-day trips. It’s crucial to assess your riding needs and consider the battery life and range of the bike you’re interested in to ensure it aligns with your requirements.

Is It Worth the Investment?

Determining whether a Cube electric mountain bike is worth the investment depends on several factors that are unique to each individual. It’s important to consider the following aspects:

Frequency of use: If you’re an avid mountain biker who frequently explores challenging terrains and embarks on adventurous rides, a Cube electric mountain bike can significantly enhance your riding experience and justify the investment.

Terrain and riding conditions: If you often encounter steep inclines, rough terrains, or challenging trails, the electric motor of a Cube electric mountain bike can be a game-changer, providing the necessary power and support to conquer these obstacles.

Budget and financial situation: Evaluate your budget and financial capabilities before making a purchase decision. While Cube electric mountain bikes offer impressive features and performance, they come with a higher price tag. Ensure that investing in an electric mountain bike aligns with your financial situation.


In conclusion, Cube electric mountain bikes offer remarkable performance, convenience, and an enhanced mountain biking experience. They are ideal for riders seeking a thrilling adventure and the ability to conquer challenging terrains with ease. However, it’s essential to carefully consider the higher cost, additional expenses, weight, and dependence on battery before making a purchase decision.

Ultimately, whether a Cube electric mountain bike is worth the investment depends on your individual needs, preferences, and riding habits. Evaluate your requirements, consider the pros and cons discussed in this article, and make an informed decision that aligns with your budget and desired riding experience.

Final Thoughts

If you decide to invest in a Cube electric mountain bike, here are a few additional tips and advice to make the most out of your purchase:

  1. Research different models and compare their features, specifications, and customer reviews to find the one that suits your needs best.
  2. Consider taking a test ride or renting a Cube electric mountain bike before making a final decision. This will give you a firsthand experience of its performance and help you determine if it’s the right fit for you.
  3. Stay updated on the latest advancements and trends in electric mountain bikes. Technology is constantly evolving, and future developments may bring even more exciting features and improvements to these bikes.


How long does the battery of a Cube electric mountain bike last?

The battery life of a Cube electric mountain bike depends on various factors such as the model, terrain, rider weight, and assistance level used. Generally, you can expect a battery to last anywhere from 20 to 70 miles on a single charge. It’s important to note that riding conditions, including steep inclines and off-road trails, can impact battery life.

Are Cube electric mountain bikes suitable for beginners?

Yes, Cube electric mountain bikes are suitable for beginners. These bikes provide an added advantage to novice riders by offering motor assistance that helps them navigate challenging terrains and build confidence. With adjustable assistance levels, beginners can gradually increase their riding skills and fitness while enjoying the thrill of mountain biking.

Can I use a Cube electric mountain bike for commuting?

Yes, Cube electric mountain bikes can be used for commuting. These bikes offer the convenience of motor assistance, making your commute easier and faster. However, it’s important to consider factors such as range, battery life, and the availability of charging stations along your route if you plan to use the bike for longer commutes.

How much maintenance do Cube electric mountain bikes require?

Cube electric mountain bikes require regular maintenance, similar to traditional bikes. However, it’s essential to pay attention to the electrical components such as the battery, motor, and wiring. Routine tasks include cleaning, lubricating the chain, checking tire pressure, and inspecting the brakes. It’s recommended to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific maintenance instructions.

Are Cube electric mountain bikes more expensive to repair compared to traditional mountain bikes?

Yes, Cube electric mountain bikes can be more expensive to repair compared to traditional mountain bikes. The specialized components and electrical systems may require professional expertise and specialized parts, which can contribute to higher repair costs. It’s advisable to factor in potential repair expenses when considering the overall cost of owning an electric mountain bike.

Can I still ride a Cube electric mountain bike if the battery runs out of charge?

Yes, you can still ride a Cube electric mountain bike even if the battery runs out of charge. However, it will function like a regular non-electric mountain bike. You will need to rely solely on your pedaling power without the assistance of the electric motor. It’s important to be aware of the added weight of the electric components, which can make pedaling more challenging.